

How To: Create a Feature Search


Learn how to create a feature search so that you can highlight certain attributes within your data:


  1. Under the Resources menu of the top navigation bar, select Feature Searches. This where you can manage existing feature searches and create new ones.
  2. Click the "New Feature Search" button in the top right corner.
  3. Select the layer that you want your feature search to be built on and click "CHOOSE".
  4. Give your feature search a name and description.
  5. Click "Save". This will open the feature search in edit mode.
  6. Click "ADD OPTIONS" to select which fields you want to be able to filter data by. This opens the list of all available fields in the selected layer.
  7. Choose some feature search options. Be sure to select a widget type for each.

  8. Click "SAVE".
  9. Edit the feature search options titles if you wish and re-order them with the up and down arrows. Use the drop down box to the right of the option title to specify a required field when the feature search is run. (All fields will be Optional be default.)

    The “Export Setup” button allows you to define which fields are exported to Excel if you choose to export any data from this feature search. 
  10. Click "DONE" and your feature search is complete!
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