Lightship Updates
The Lightship team has been working hard on a number of great things that we are excited to share with you! Every 2-4 weeks, we'll be posting about our new updates here: UPDATES. You can also access our updates by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of your Lightship Site.
Filter Tasks:
This isn't the newest update. In fact, we talked about Tasks in our April 16th update article. But, an exciting feature that we didn't point out is how you can filter tasks. In both the Lightship Control Center (the web app) and the Lightship Works mobile app, you're now able to go to Tasks, click on the filter icon, and adjust your view based on the state, priority, and which person or team a task is assigned to.
Re-add Deleted Task Attachments:
In the case that you accidentally deleted an task's attachment, we've made it easier for you to re-add and manage them.
If you're viewing a task in the Works app you can add an attachment from either the "ACTIVITY" or "DETAILS" screens by clicking on one of the icons in the bottom right of your screen. Once you have attachments added to a task, you can manage them by tapping into the "DETAILS" tab, clicking the three vertical dots in the top right corner, and tapping "Edit Attachments". Now you can re-add attachments by clicking the green "+" button beside them, or remove attachments using the red "x" button.
A complete overview of Tasks can be found here: Overview: Lightship Tasks.
These updates have been released to all of our sites