

How to Create a Linked Form/Table

A linked table contains tabular data that has no geometry, but is instead associated, or linked, to a layer with geometry. One use case for linked tables is inspections and maintenance on assets. For example, you can create a linked table for your inspections data and attach it to a unique ID for each individual asset in a data set. This enables you to attach inspections to assets without altering the original data.

Creating a Linked Form/Table:

  1. Click the Forms icon.
  2. Click the "Create New Form" button.
  3. Click the "Define a New Form" button. The "Define New Form" dialogue should appear. 
  4. Add a name and a description.
  5. Under "Form Type:" choose "Form linked to existing layer".
  6. Under "Link Layer" choose the data source that you'd like to have linked. (i.e. Choose a Hydrant layer, if you are creating a hydrant inspection form).
  7. Under "Linked Field" choose the unique field to link the two layers together.
  8. Click "Save".
  9. The form will open in edit mode. Click the 'New Question' button to start adding some fields.
  10. When you have added all of the fields/questions you need. Click "DONE" in the top-left corner of the form edit screen.

Now that you've set up your linked form, you can start customizing everything from the icon type and colour to labels and advanced filters.

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