

How to Set up Questions (Fields in Forms)

To start adding questions (fields) to your form, you need to be in the form's edit mode under the FIELD SETTINGS tab.

  1. Click New Question.

  2. Choose the "TYPE" of question you would like to add to the form (Required). To learn more about the different types of questions, refer to article: Building a Form: What are the Field Types? 
  3. FIELD NAME (Required): Keeping the field name short and concise is best practice. The field name is going to be what is visible in the feature info pop-up box when you want to look at your data on the map. When workers are out in the field and using Collect, they will often be using mobile phones; therefore, it is better to keep the field names short to account for smaller screens on certain devices.
  4. QUESTION: (Optional) If you choose to add text to the 'Question' box, it will override the field name in the form. If you want to have a longer, more descriptive question, add it into +Add Additional Info
  5. DEFAULT VALUE: Default values are used as preset values. An example of using a default value would be if you are using a form for equipment checks, and there's a question about the pressure in a pipe (psi). A default value could be set for what the psi is supposed to be in the pipe. If the psi didn't match the default value when you are filling out the form, you would know that something might be wrong and to investigate further. 
  6. Required Toggle: Toggle on (green) if you want to require an answer to a question before the end-user can save the form. 
  7. Editable Toggle: Toggle on (green) if you want the end-user to be able to return to a saved form for edits.



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