Real-time Employee Safety Monitoring
Customizable check-ins let you schedule your own check-ins for your workday. Check-ins can be scheduled at intervals throughout the day (i.e. every two hours) or for isolated instances (e.g. at the end of your shift). Failed check-ins will result in a user-generated message notifying selected emergency contacts.
- From the main dashboard, tap the green "+" symbol in the bottom right corner.
- Tap the "Check-in" feature.
- Tap "How Often" to choose either a check-in schedule that is "In" or "Every".
- "In" allows you to choose a single check-in time.
- "Every" allows you to choose the interval as well as the start and end time of your check-in schedule (e.g. Every 1 HR 00 MIN/Start Time: 8:00 AM/End Time: 4:00PM).
- Tap "Who to Notify" to select your contact(s) to notify if you fail to check-in.
- Tap "Message to Send" to set up a message to send to your emergency contacts in the event of a failed check-in.
- Tap "Saved Configurations" to save a check-in schedule to use in the future.
- Tap the green play button to enable your check-in schedule.
- Your Check-in Card will be visible on the main Status dashboard. Tap the card to view/edit the check-in details or cancel the check-in schedule.